Developing metagenomic and bioinformatic analytical processes with interactive visualisation and sharing endpoints
WP lead:VIB
Leader: lennart martens
Integrate with data acquisition to preprocess and format local data for transmission to the central node
Ensure optimal data collection through local analysis and QC to allow issues to be spotted early, while remedial action is still possible
Centralise the acquired data and build processing pipeline for detailed data processing and archiving. Note that this includes both data and metadata. Analysis will be automated, but will increasingly allow specific analyses to be run as well (semi-automated)
Dashboard-based data visualization interactive display of acquired and processed data tailored to inform decision-making.
Data dissemination to enable (as much as possible) sharing of the acquired and processed information, along with code, based on FAIR guidelines
Summary: WP4 will focus on the development of such data processing and presentation pipelines, building on current state-of-the-art algorithms and interactive and intuitive data visualisations, all packaged in an easily deployable format (Docker) that will facilitate long-term use, and will offer the lowest possible threshold to adoption elsewhere. Throughout, the core objective is capacity building, by ensuring robust solutions that are deployed locally, and through extensive training and associated skills and knowledge transfer