The ODIN stakeholder workshop took place in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, from 13-14 December 2023. The two-day workshop was attended by representatives of WHO, Unitéd'épidémiologie, de préparation et de réponse, WaterAid, 2IE, West African Organization of Health, Centre National Recherche Scientifique et Technologique, General Delegate (Ministry), Institut de Recherche Sciences de la Santé, Director, Institut National de SantéPublique - General Director, Centre de Recherche enSanté de Nouna (CRSN) 

Laboratoire Central de Référence - Technical Director, Laboratoire National de Référence-Résistance aux anti microbiens (RAM), Observatoire de la Santé de la Population- Technical Director, Direction de l’HygiènePublique, Direction Générale des RessourcesenEaux (DGRE), Direction Générale de l’assainissement, des eauxusées et excreta (DGAEUE), Direction des Laboratoires de BiologieMédicale (DLBM), to name a few.  

The ODIN project was presented, and study sites identified. Some of the topics presented included the existing mobile laboratory network and genomics infrastructure to support epidemicpreparedness and response, Environnementalsureveillance (ES) of poliovirus, AMR surveillance, the water supply and sanitation services in Burkina Faso, and Priority pathogens to include in wastewater monitoring 

More details can be found in the Burkina Faso workshop report and agenda attached below.  

ODIN Stakeholders Report (PDF 193.6 KB)

Workshop Program Burkina Faso (PDF 159.6 KB)

The Workshop Report Burkina Faso final (PDF 358.8 KB)

Workshop Gallery